Out of 0 Ratings

Owner's of the Apple MP3 Player Apple iPod touch 32 GB White Flash Portable Media Player gave it a score of 0 out of 5. Here's how the scores stacked up:
  • Reliability

    0 out of 5
  • Durability

    0 out of 5
  • Maintenance

    0 out of 5
  • Performance

    0 out of 5
  • Ease of Use

    0 out of 5
of 220
YouTube playlists 11 4
YouTube videos from a playlist 114
developer settings 173
directions, getting 12 2
disconnecting iPod touch from computer 18
Dock Connector 13 6
Dock Connector to USB cable 10, 18
applications 151
podcasts 145
about 10
center button 10, 11, 62
playlists 61
text 33
text using VoiceOver 197
videos 73
eects sounds, turning on or o 157
enterprise, using iPod touch 209
ePub books 184
equalizer 166
erasing data 20, 43, 161, 165
Exchange. See Microsoft Exchange
exposure 72
external keyboards 37
facemarks 35
phone number format 69
restricting 162
starting a call 69
using other apps while talking 70
favorites 177
Fetch New Data 169
le formats, supported 95
le sharing 48
Find My iPod touch 20, 43
folders, Home screen 27
force quitting an application 44, 205
date, time, and telephone number 164
forwarding messages 97
GAL (Global Address List) 96, 175
Game Center
about 82
account information 90
achievements 87
downloading games 84
friends 88
inviting friends 84
leaderboards 86
playing games 84
recently played games 87
setting up 82
status information 90
Genius Mixes 54, 60
Genius playlists 51, 56, 59
Genius, App Store 149
gestures, VoiceOver 192
getting help 209
getting started 17
Google 12 8
Contacts 49
searching the web 103
grab points 33
hardware keyboards 37
center button 137
using with Voice Memos 13 6
help, getting 209
Home button, double-click settings 15 9
Home screen 12, 23
adding web clips 104
customizing 27
folders 27
wallpaper 30, 15 7
hybrid view 121
iBooks 183
iBookstore 183
iCal 49, 209
application 13
status 16
copying 79
pasting 79
accounts 91, 12 8
searching email 99
installing, applications from the App Store 151
international keyboards 34, 163, 164
Internet, connecting to 19
iPhoto 49, 209
changing browse buttons 66
converting videos for iPod touch 65
deleting videos 65
Genius Mixes 60
Genius playlists 59
on-the-go playlists 11 4
playing songs using Voice Control 57